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Stake, earn and secure the networks with Forbole

Forbole Logo Shadow
Total Value Locked

$ -

Users Staking


Supporting Networks


How it works?

Easy to
earn passive income
on tokens through staking

Pick Trusted Provider

We have the infrastructure in place to act as validators and to secure networks


As a token holder, you can utilize our infrastructure by staking your tokens with us

Earn Rewards

You earn staking rewards on your tokens


Our services are non-custodial so you can withdraw at any time
Why Forbole?

Reputable Validator Journey

We started as a genesis validator or Cosmos Hub and quickly expanded to other networks. Currently, we are validating on over 40 mainnets, operating nodes on all major blockchians, being guardians on major interchain bridges, and actively participating in many testnets. As a non-custodian staking service provider, we are trusted by thousands of stakers all over the world.

Focus on Security

Our team consists of experienced engineers and skilled developers. We have implemented industry leading security and risk management protocols with 24/7 monitoring to ensure our infrastructure’s top performance across different networks.

Our Future

Forbole runs a cross-chain ecosystem, we never stop and constantly improve our user experience. By exploring more opportunities and innovating our products and services to meet the ever changing landscape, stakers are equipped to make their best choices.

Earning rewards by staking your tokens with us.

Select token

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Length of Time (in month)




Contact Forbole

We are happy to serve you with our professional services.

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How can we help you?


The action that token holders stake their tokens to validators to secure the network is called staking. Staked tokens are eligible to receive staking rewards. Newly minted tokens and transactions fees are given out as rewards to bonded staking token holders.Stakers stake their staking power to validators, but that does not mean the validators possess or have custody of the tokens staked to them. In other words, validators cannot steal or take away stakers’ tokens. Your staked amount of tokens will not be decreased in most situations, however, if your validator is punished by slashing, your staked token is at risk of being slashed too (see below for “slashing”).
For custodial, the private key is held by a third party whereas non-custodial, users are responsible for their assets and in full control.
The action of transferring your staked tokens from one validator to another, it is called restaking your tokens. Your rewards will keep calculating if you choose to restake. Your rewards will stop calculating once you choose unstaking. It is subject to a lockup period (normally 21-day) and during this lockup, you cannot do anything with your tokens that are undergoing unlocking.Therefore, if your plan is to continue with staking, and you simply wish to switch to a different validator, use restake instead to continue accruing your staking rewards and airdrops.After the first restaking, you need to wait for a certain period of time (corresponding with unstaking period) before making another restaking transaction. And do make sure you have sufficient funds in your available balance to pay for the transaction fee.
There may be some risks when your validator is having poor performance or making critical mistakes, your funds will be slashed accordingly.
There are two key benefits of staking:
  • Earn your staking rewards, it allows you to earn rewards for securing the network with your contribution
  • Boost network security, the more token holders that stake, the more secure the network becomes
  • Newly minted tokens and transaction fees are given out as rewards to bonded staking token holders. The rewards rate varies depending on the total amount of staked tokens, and each network has their specific settings.

    You can calculate your staking rewards here. You can also view your real-time rewards on each Big Dipper explorer. Or if you are interested in the detailed calculation, please refer to the whitepapers or tokenomics papers of each network, which can be found on their websites.

    Staking rewards should be “claimed” before becoming available in your account. This is a type of transaction so you would need to pay for the transaction when claiming rewards. While staking new tokens, your rewards will automatically be claimed into your available balance. The rewards are also automatically withdrawn to your account if there is a network upgrade.
  • Nominated validators are not in the active set
  • Nominated a validator with 100% commission holders. The rewards rate varies depending on the total amount of staked tokens, and each network has their specific settings.
  • There are a few possible reasons:
  • Inflation changed due to Parameter change Proposal
  • Bonding ratio changed (usually the higher bonding ratio, the lower the inflation rate)
  • There is no model answer because this depends on too many factors, including how many tokens staked, transaction fees in that particular network, etc.