I am excited to announce the soft-launch of Forbole Ventures.
Since its incorporation in 2017, Forbole has gradually become a renowned developer, contributor and staking service provider in blockchain space. We have dreamed of building an internet which is more open, public, decentralized, inclusive and censorship-resistant. So we decided to gradually spin off our cryptos portfolio as Forbole Ventures to invest in people who can build this next generation internet together with us.
Since 2019, we have made early-stage investments in Akash, BitSong, Datax (equity), e-Money, Kava, Oasis Protocol, Regen Network, Solana and Starname. We are also operating a staking portfolio of over 20 crypto projects which you can see here. As of 31 July 2021, the net assets of the portfolio is $25M excluding the operation cost for the next 12 months..
We want to invest in founders who build open-source crypto projects that can democratize internet, finance and social networks. Our ideal investment amounts are ranged from $25,000 to $150,000. But we are not a VC and hence we are not bounded by mandate or norm. In the past, we have once invested $5,000 in a project. We have also invested $650,000 in another project.
We are not a VC. We may not be able to bring you to Sand Hill Road. We may not be able to improve your elevator pitch. We may not be able to teach you how to draft your term sheet.
But we can give you advice as a developer and network operator which not many VCs can provide. We can help you to bootstrap your validators and developers community. We can provide support with our open-source block explorer Big Dipper, crypto wallet Forbole X and other open-source tools built by us. We can become an active member to participate in your projects from testnet to mainnet to numerous upgrade ahead of you.
Please contact via [email protected]. Forbole Ventures will keep using the social media of Forbole and please follow our Twitter, LinkedIn, GitHub and newsletter as well :)